Registration Fees 2024/2025
Vita Beata has a Family Enrollment Fee of $50 per year per family* as well as a Class Registration Fee of $5 per class.
EXAMPLE: If you enroll 3 children in 2 classes each you will pay 1 Family Enrollment Fee ($50) and 6 Class Registration Fees ($30) for a total of $80.
The Family Enrollment Fee is refundable through June 15th. The Class Registration Fee is non-refundable.
This year payment will be made with each registration form. Once your form with payment is submitted you are enrolled in the classes on that form.
*There is no Family Enrollment Fee for moderators, but moderators will pay the Class Registration Fee of $5 for each class.
Vita Beata does not sell curriculum. All materials can be purchased from Memoria Press, and we encourage families to buy the most recent materials as sometimes used items are outdated. However, this is not required. Minimum required materials are the textbooks and student guides. You can find the exact books for each class on our Booklists page. Teacher guides, quizzes, lesson plans, videos, etc. are at your discretion based on how you as the teacher choose to implement the course. Vita Beata will provide a schedule that tells students what chapter(s) or story will be discussed on what days. It is the parent's responsibility to ensure the material is read and questions in the student guide answered (orally to a parent or in writing) prior to class.
Vita Beata is not a business but is simply a forum to facilitate enhanced learning opportunities by and for homeschooling parents. All of our moderators volunteer their time preparing for and leading discussion each week.
If you have any questions about this or any other aspects of this group, please contact